Covid 19

Friday 1st May

Since 17th March we have only been adjusting braces for people with breakages and people that are in pain. At this stage, many patients that are currently under treatment with us are overdue their adjustment by 6 weeks and it is important to see these people soon so that they don’t run into problems. We have completed a comprehensive risk assessment at Wexford Orthodontics and we continue to make changes so that we can safely provide treatment during the extended period that Covid-19 is expected to be with us. We are now starting to see some of these people that are overdue adjustments. We are waitng to install more equipment, which will allow us to safely remove braces, and we expect this to be in place over the next few weeks. As we slowly reopen, we plan to prioritise seeing those that are currently under treatment with us and those that had appointments to have their braces removed cancelled. When we have seen these, we will  prioritise people that have already been for consultations and that were booked in to start their treatment, along with those that were booked in for review. Finally we will see new patients for consultations in the order that they were booked before the Covid-19 crisis.

We thank everyone for their patience as we adapt to the new reality which will be with us for a while.

Monday 30th March

Following the introduction of new restrictions by the government over the weekend, we remain closed for all non- essential treatments, but if any of our patients have problems with their appliances or retainers, they can speak to one of our staff by phone and we will see them if they need urgent attention.

Tuesday 17th March

Wexford Orthodontics will close for all non- emergency treatment until 29 th March and we will review the situation at that stage.

We have decided to close voluntarily even though the Department of Health, through the Chief Dental Officer, issued a letter late last night to say that non-urgent routine dentistry could continue provided that social distancing protocols were implemented in waiting areas. We feel however, that at this time of national crisis, it is better to be overcautious rather than risk the health of our patients and staff for non-urgent treatment.

We will continue to answer phones and emails while closed and if any of our existing patients require urgent advice or treatment, we will facilitate this.

Dr. Ryan and Dr. O’Morain will separately review their notes and records for each patient under treatment over the next few days and if they need to see anyone urgently, they will contact them and ask them to come in.

We will post updates regarding our arrangements on the news page of our website while closed.

We hope that you and your families remain safe and well through this unprecedented crisis and we look forward to seeing your happy and healthy smile in due course.

From all of us at
Wexford Orthodontics

Book a Consultation

If you are considering orthodontic treatment we need to see you for a consultation first so that we can determine the precise nature of your problem and discuss the various treatment options with you.

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