picture of A smiling woman with curly blonde hair standing behind a glass reception desk, wearing a white blouse with a dark gray vest, against a yellow wall. A dental office setting is visible in the background, with a computer screen displaying dental images
Picture of Two dental professionals operating an Orthophos E panoramic X-ray machine while a patient is positioned inside for a dental scan
picture of a Female orthodontist in navy scrubs examining a panoramic orthodontic X-ray on a computer screen in a clinical setting
Picture of an Orthodontist in a clinic reviewing dental X-rays and images on a computer screen

The purpose of your consultation visit is to identify any abnormalities of your teeth bite or jaws and to inform you of any problems that may arise because of these. You will also be told what treatment would be required to correct these abnormalities and what benefits you might expect to receive from treatment.

By attending for a consultation you do not commit yourself to any future treatment.

During the consultation photographs and x-rays of your face and jaws are usually taken to aid diagnosis. Some people also need to have impressions of their teeth taken.

When children attend with their parents it is normal practice to briefly see the child in our open plan clinical area without their parents first. The parents are then consulted and any abnormalities and suggested treatments are discussed with both the child and parents. A fixed fee of €100 is payable on the day that you attend for your consultation. This includes the cost of x-rays, photographs, impressions and any other tests that might be required.

If treatment is required you will be told about all fees involved and our payment arrangements when you attend for your consultation appointment.

A full consultation usually takes at least an hour to complete so please allow plenty of time. If you need to change your appointment please give us as much notice as possible as we are usually fully booked in advance.

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