Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with abnormalities of the teeth, face and jaws. For most people this means some type of brace to move the teeth or to modify jaw growth. Some people also require jaw surgery to achieve the best possible result.

An orthodontist is a dentist who has completed specialist training in orthodontics and who is registered as an orthodontist with the Dental Council of Ireland.

There are approximately 140 orthodontists in Ireland and a full list is available online by clicking on the “Dental Registers” tab at the website of the dental council of Ireland.  Dental Council

The Dental Council of Ireland is the statutory body that controls the practice of dentistry in Ireland.  It is made up of representatives from the dental profession, the universities, the medical council, the government and the public.

Book a Consultation

If you are considering orthodontic treatment we need to see you for a consultation first so that we can determine the precise nature of your problem and discuss the various treatment options with you.

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