Drs. Oliver Setbon from Paris presented an interesting Invisalign update course in Dublin

Drs. Oliver Setbon from Paris presented an interesting Invisalign update course in Dublin

Drs. Oliver Setbon from Paris presented an interesting Invisalign update course in Dublin last Friday. Pictured above with Dr. Don Ryan and Dr. Hans Sancho, who is the Invisalign Clinical Support Specialist working with the Irish orthodontists that are providing Invisalign treatment.

Improvements to the Invisalign system over the past few years mean that it can now be used as an alternative to fixed appliances in more cases than before.

The main benefit of Invisalign is that it is less visible than fixed appliances and it can be removed for eating, but the additional cost and the inability to perform some types of tooth movement still limit its use.

We hope to use Invisalign more often in the future but fixed appliances are still the best option for most types of treatment.

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If you are considering orthodontic treatment we need to see you for a consultation first so that we can determine the precise nature of your problem and discuss the various treatment options with you.

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